Seeing him again!

I have lately been tutoring three of the five usual kids that I have on my tutoring list. I have missed seeing the two boys that I haven't tutored since before Christmas. I finally got to see one of the boys that I have tutored in math and English! At first, he didn't want to do it, probably because it's been so long since he's had to have a tutor. But he warmed up fairly quickly. After all, he does know me. But he doesn't like math, so he was very solemn during that lesson. But he is learning to multiply, so that is good. His mother said that his skills have slacked off since I haven't been tutoring him, so I know now that I was doing him some good! I hope we'll keep it up and he'll get back to where he was. He was happier with the English lesson. He learned where to put punctuation marks, but was having a bit of a hard time with it at first. I think I'll do a review with him, along with where to put commas in a sentence, which we also worked on t...