Back to School!

 Well, I'm guessing that all of your kiddos are back in school, in their varying grades! No matter what grade you're in, there's always those worries - will my teachers like me? Will my friends be in my classes? Will I remember where all of my classes are, in the right order? I remember worrying about that when I started middle school. I still have dreams about that. Do you?

Anyway, getting to the point... I've had to rearrage my schedule with my tutoring kids a bit since they're back in school. Three of them are homeschooled, so my Mondays were going to stay the same. Then my Tuesday girl had to be moved to Monday. Then my Saturday boy had to be moved to Sunday because of football practice and games. (His team is so far undefeated!) Then one of my little Monday kids started preschool, so it's kind of up in the air if he'll have the attention span or desire to do any more work with me after school. Then there's my Friday student. We're still not sure when the best time will be for him. 

I'm flexible for now, but I've come to the point where I need to look for a "real" job as well as tutoring. Between tutoring and pet sitting, I've been just getting enough to get by on. But it just came down to the fact that I need to earn a better living. So, I've applied for jobs in town, and there's one that I'm particularly hopeful about! Prayers that I'll get that job! In our small town, most of the downtown shops are closed on Mondays, so I'm glad that won't interfere with my Monday kids at least. 

Well, I pray many blessings for all of you this year! 


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