Books, Books, Books!

 There are so many books to choose from, for all ages, boys and girls, fiction and nonfiction. I personally have a few favorites that I like to read to younger students, like Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters by John Steptoe and Squirrel's Fun Day by Lisa Moser. I have them follow along with the words as I read and I let them comment on the illustrations. In Fact, Squirrel's Fun Day is a pretty easy read even for younger kids, depending on what reading level they're at. You might try having them read it if you know them and their reading ability. A good book for, maybe, third graders to read is Fun is a Feeling by Chara M. Curtis. Another book that I like for young readers is called Get Out of Bed! by Robert Munsch. Then there's Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney. Older kids who are ready for chapter books might enjoy the Little Bear books by Else Homelund Minarik. Then there's the Amber Brown series and A to Z Mysteries. There are so many to choose from! It has been really helpful for me to talk to the childrens' librarian when trying to find books, particularly for kids who like to read nonfiction, but making sure they are at just enough of a challenge for them at their reading level. Any other great books you've discovered, for any age? Please let me know! I love discovering new books!


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