
 This is actually a little bit of an old picture, but I was helping a 13-year-old with her reading skills. We were taking turns reading chapters of a book called "Mine." It is a haunted house story for young adults, written by Delilah S. Dawson. I found the book in one of those "little libraries" and knew she would like it. So when I first brought it to her house, I showed her the cover with the title on it in large letters, MINE. I teased her and said, this is mine. It really is mine. Then she said, "No, it's Mine." We would go back and forth saying "it's mine" every time we went to read it. Then, when we were near the end of the book, they were going on a trip for summer vacation and I gave the book to her to finish on her own. She said, "now it really is mine!" So she finished the book on her own, and when I saw her again I asked her how it ended. She wouldn't tell me. I suggested she let me borrow the book so I could finish it myself and she teased me and wouldn't let me. So I went to the library and they didn't have it. But another library did, so I was able to get an inter-library loan. Ha ha!! I get to finish it. I did, and it was a good ending. But I can't say "It's mine" anymore. 


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