Spotting Typos

One of the boys I tutor enjoys reading informational books rather than fiction. Right now he's reading a book that I took him to the library and he picked out himself. It's about animals living in different habitats. He was reading right along when he said "with sof, thick ... I'm reading it exactly like it says." I didn't catch what he had said at first, then he showed me the typo. We both had a chuckle about it, but I knew from his catching the typo that he was really paying attention to what he was reading. Then, a few days later, I was reading and caught a typo in that book! I have had a few books self-published and yes, there are a few typos in them, despite them having been proofread several times. But it always surprises me when I find mistakes in other published works. So I thought I'd point them out here.