
Showing posts from January, 2025

Timed Reading

 Wow, I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted anything! Well, I'm back! 😊 I've been doing timed reading with my students, using a set of flash cards with words at their grade level. I use the same bunch of about 30 words each week, and time them to see how long it takes them to say the words correctly. Once they reach under a minute, I change to new words.  I was doing this with one of my first graders, but we came across a bundle of words, most of which she was having a really hard time reading. So I looked online and found a page for first graders that's a timed story. I will give her one minute to read as far as she can, marking on my copy any mistakes she makes. Then I'll go over the mistakes with her and help her figure out the right way to say a word that she missed. I will write the number of words she read (not counting the mistakes) and repeat the activity every week, seeing how she improves her number of words read correctly.  I learned thi...

New games!

 Well, I've been cycling through the same 5 learning games for the last 3 years now. The kids enjoy some more than others, but recently one of the kids told me that I needed some new games. So I went searching. I found a website called, and there are some things that you need to pay for, but there is also a lot that is free! I found one new game and some different activity sheets for the different ages that I tutor. The game I found is called Uh-oh! It's a card game with easy sentences on them for a first grade reader. The student draws cards and reads them out loud, and continues drawing and reading until they draw an "Uh-oh!" card. Then their turn is over, and either another student (if you're tutoring a group) or the tutor (myself) starts drawing cards and reading them until they get an "Uh-oh" card. Then it's the first student's turn again. Whoever has the most cards at the end of the game wins. I'm going to try th...